Wednesday, November 12, 2008

News and updates on new paintings being added to the website

For this post I would like to write about when I add a new painting to my website in addition to giving information to new painters. The paintings will be listed in my website at the following address:

I would like to write some comments about some of the paintings I am doing and thought this blog would be the ideal place to put the comments in. I will begin with a painting that I did awhile back called "Cow Shed" (above)
This painting was painted on location just outside the small town I live in South Australia. The cow shed was located off a dirt road. I was intrigued with this abandoned stone building that used to be a cow shed. I think the building must of been nearly 100 years old. I was interested in painting this because I thought it was very unique and unusual. These old abandoned buildings tell alot about the history of a place. I wanted to "capture" this bit of "time" on canvas before it disappeared forever. The view I was looking at was into the shed and there was a hole on the other side with a view of the outside. The roof of the shed was a type of metal. There was lots of old "junk" laying around inside the shed. I wasn't game to actually go inside the shed for fear of snakes or spiders. I welcome any comments on any of these paintings if you so care to write about it.

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