Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ideas for Paintings

Tonight I wanted to post about painting ideas. At various times I will have an idea come to me about a painting that I think may be a good one and I like it and want to paint it and I have learned I have to write that "bit of inspiration" down or I will forget. It has to be something that I can get excited about and think "that would be a great painting!" Many times I have had an idea come to me and I didn't write it down at the time and it was lost to me.

Another thing I have learned to do over the years is to keep pictures of things I have got over the years as a reference for my painting. I have a photo box that is specifically for keeping reference photos for helping me on visualizing something I need to paint. For example, I may need to paint an animal and it is helpful to me to have a photo of that animal to see how the physical structure is made up of the specific animal.

I keep a running list of "painting projects" that I want to do eventually. As I do each project I will cross that one off the list but I am constantly adding to the list so will always have a project that I want to work on. I may work on several projects at the same time.

My advice on this topic is to write down your bit of inspiration for a cool painting project right away so you don't forget what you wanted to do. That way you will have it for when you eventually do the actual painting. It works!

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